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Monday 5 December 2011

film by Erica Russell

this is a dancing film by Erica Russell, which portray the love.

an beautiful animation


This is an beautiful animation from ERICA RUSSELL, which recommended by amy. i would like to reference the shape of the figures to my film. i think it's a good example using shape to show the human body.

the drawing test in last two weeks,test6

these videos still carry on the dancing part. The first video, i add more frame after the last one. In my imagination it will be smooth after add more frames but it doesn't so nice as I expected. Then i delete some frame try to make it more rhythm and more nice. it tested out in the second video, so pity it still not as good as i imagined. i showed it to some of my classmates, they suggest me to control the timing and rhythm in action. So on the next day, i add, delete or delay some frame in several actions or even extrude some gestures. Now the result is showing on the third video. It still need to modify but i need to put it down for some days because i always focus on this action in before two weeks. i can't recognize the time in this action. i will carry on the next action but still thinking how to make the whole film smooth and fluently.  

the drawing test in last two weeks,test5

the two are the same movement but it in different timing. i draw this movement referenced by a chinese traditional dancing which is an love story in old china. It's a story about the two people love each other but due to the rule of the society and the married law in old china, they can't get together. Their families force them to separate. The girl's parent force her marry to a man but she didn't love him. The girl struggling to escape the old rule control but she can't. At the end she suicided. When the man who deeply love this girl heard this news. He killed himself as well. Finally, their sprite transform to be a pair of butterfly. They live together at the end.

I choose this video as a reference because it is a similar story with mine. i reference the dancing to show the deeply love between them. Difference from this video is i will exaggerate some movement and pick up some movement rearrange them to fit my story. here is the first movement pencil test. but i need add more frame to smooth the movement. After i show this test to Matthrew he suggested me to apply the animation principles into my drawings. Especially learn the 'cushion'. See how is it works in animation.

the drawing test in last two weeks,test4

this is the carry on dancing part1, in this part i suppose after they separate and then they turning face to face, at the same time they mix together, then they get each color from the other one. but after draw this movement i feel it would be better to make them dancing together to show the love of them. so in the following two weeks i draw the dancing of the two figures.

the drawing test in last two weeks,test3

this part is the two figures part1 dancing movement. in my own view it's ok, but i still thinking how to make the dancing and the shaking move nice. try to arrange the timing properly.

the drawing test in last two weeks,test2

this is the test after the two figure separate. i think it's fine. how do you think. welcome your guys comment.

the drawing test in last two weeks,test1

here is the part one movement test. i draw it using pencil on paper.  i think the movement at beginning  is  all right but when the yinyan separate transform to the man and the girl is not very good. After i talk with Matthrew, he gave me a good suggestion. The problem is when the two part separate the both head  it doesn't move follow a arc. so the movement up down, up down. so i need to change a little bit to make the movement smooth.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

tutorial with leonie

today, i talked the story with leonie, she give me some useful suggestions. here it is:
1, it is need to keep transform smooth and pretty, not to many, keep a smooth rhythm to direct the story
2, show clear the direction of the bird, which is to show the two journey of the bird:go and back.
3, on the returning journey of the bird need to show how hard the task for the bird.
4, the sea-face of the man need on the same side. this detail information is very important but i ignore it

something about the ending
in leonie's opinion my story with a sad ending, that's because this couple be together at the end but after died. maybe i can think about the other happy ending. here is her suggestion, they transform to a human they dancing together then rotating together to the YING YANG at the end.

what i'm thinking
1,the important plot of the story line is the couple transform to the bird and the sea starting with the storm then maybe the bird and the sea can be back to human.
2, show montage of repetition of stone filling journey then how to connect other shots.

i will redraw the rough storyboard give a clear structure of the story and starting animation.

tutorial with matthrew

this video was done by yesterday, i show it to matthrew. it is some animation ideas.  i talked with mat mainly to solve the problem for camera moving on paper, how to show depth and energy in this abstract film. also i add some more scenes to show how hard for the bird to pick up stones.