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Monday 5 December 2011

the drawing test in last two weeks,test6

these videos still carry on the dancing part. The first video, i add more frame after the last one. In my imagination it will be smooth after add more frames but it doesn't so nice as I expected. Then i delete some frame try to make it more rhythm and more nice. it tested out in the second video, so pity it still not as good as i imagined. i showed it to some of my classmates, they suggest me to control the timing and rhythm in action. So on the next day, i add, delete or delay some frame in several actions or even extrude some gestures. Now the result is showing on the third video. It still need to modify but i need to put it down for some days because i always focus on this action in before two weeks. i can't recognize the time in this action. i will carry on the next action but still thinking how to make the whole film smooth and fluently.  

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