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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Pre-stories for the final film ideas

In June i started thinking about my final film idea. Initial,  i got three idea for the final project, but after talk with Lionel, i choose the first one as the final film story. In the following, i will display what they are and how did i think about them.

The first one: it is a part of the scriptwriting stories. This story is adapt from Chinese old story ''jin wei tian hai''. It's a story talk about the relationship between a father and a daughter. They love each other. One day, the daughter boating on the sea, the Sea devil want to get this beautiful girl. So, he waving the waves to swallowing her. Her father transform to a bird because the spell words. Her father want to rescues his daughter. Then, he keeping throwing stones into the sea never stop, never mind windy, raining. He hope one day the sea can be fill full, the sea devil will die. He can meet his daughter again. At last, he move the God. God help them meet again. This story describe the deeply father's love. In nowadays, we  developed this story as a proverb to portray a man keeping doing something never give up, even to praised the spirit of courage and perseverance.

The second one: it's about a human revaluation story. using the one single cel growth and division to display how human developed from one cel. In this story, it will describe a cell transforming step by step. first single cell transform to multiple cell, after this growing a fish,a amphibians, a bird, a reptile and so on. Until this cell growing into a human. At last, human died then it is a cell again.

The third one: There are two country, a mountain country and a water country. the people in the water country lives on water . They living on fish but no vegetables. The people in the mountain country living on a vegetables but they don't have fish. One day,  the mountain country launching a war for the food. They through the stones into the water. Finally, none of the people is survived.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica. Your blog has been forgotten for a long time but I only now found it. I would have loved to see the final work you produced and I would love to know what you are working on today! Your talent was great 9 years ago and I hope to see what it is like today.
    I write you to complement your work, find out what your work is like today and to show you that even your sketches are inspiring, as I used a clip of one of your sketches on my music page. It is unpublished, just for promotional use now, with no public viewing. It will not go public until 2 weeks, around September 30.
    If it is OK I will keep it there. If you wish me to not use it, I will gladly take it down. I really enjoy the emotion of your drawings from 10 years ago I hope to be able to connect so you can see your work being still relevant and so we can talk about your new work. Cheers.
